Blogging challenge: day eighteen

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When asked about their favourite and most inspirational books, most writers are inclined to include Anne Lammott’s book “Bird by Bird” in their list. It’s one  of the few writing books that I actually own.

It has good reason to be such a favourite among writers; it contains timeless advice and the kind of encouragement that most of us need to hear every once in a while.

She reminds us that not only is it okay to make mistakes, it’s actually desirable. Making mistakes is a whole lot better than not making anything at all. A person who is not making mistakes is living a sad and boring life, and not trying hard enough.

Anne is definitely a writer’s writer and there is a lovely article about her in today’s edition of Brain Pickings. If you are not subscribed to Brain Pickings and you are interested in books and writing, get on over there and subscribe. It’s free.